Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Left's Political Shock and Awe

- The Game is Not What You Think; It is Much Larger -

I believe the best ideas are concepts that can be applied effectively within multiple disciplines. The Doctrine of Rapid Dominance (DRD) fits this description with practical uses from philanthropy to armed engagement.

Barack Obama delivers a speech at the Universi...
President Barack Obama(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Developed by Harlan K. Ullman and James P. Wade and first presented in a 1996 report to National Defense University, you're likely familiar with the Doctrine of Rapid Dominance in its military form: "Shock and Awe". The doctrine is incredibly effective, not simply because it brings overwhelming force to bear, but because its goal is to seize control of the environment and drive opponents to distraction and despair.

DRD throws so much firepower at an opponent that the opponent is paralyzed, unable to know how to respond, and ultimately loses heart and nerve. This successfully enacted theory is why armed Iraqi troops surrendered to US television camera crews. For the past four and one-half years it has been employed by the Obama Administration against all who stood in its way, but not on the battlefield. DRD has been used in an attack on American laws and culture.

This is the model for Barack Obama's administration and has been so successful that as long as the US Senate and the mainstream media support him there is no reason for him to change. The ever-multiplying czars have been an important part of this strategy, with each new czar becoming a new front with which Republicans have been forced to deal. The same goes for discovered and reinterpreted regulations by federal agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Labor Relations Board.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Achilles, the Tortoise, and the Deficit

Greek philosopher Zeno’s most famous paradox was an attempt to show that motion is a myth. In Zeno’s scenario, Achilles must race a tortoise and because Achilles is much faster he gives the tortoise a head start. Surely a demigod outraces a plodding reptile with four-inch legs, right?

Zeno of Elea
Zeno of Elea (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
“Not so fast, my friend,” said Zeno of Elea, who may have been an ancestor of ESPN commentator Lee Corso. After the contestants begin running, Achilles reaches the starting point of the tortoise, but the tortoise is also moving and is at a point farther down the track. Achilles will soon reach that second point, but his armored rival has again moved on. This scenario repeats an infinite number of times because there are an infinite number of points between the two.

The point (pun intended) Zeno was attempting to make was that while Achilles gains on the tortoise he can never catch him. The current – and more accurate – scenario is the reduction of the deficit can never reduce the debt.

The deficit is like the gap between Zeno and the tortoise; it doesn’t matter how much you reduce the deficit, income never catches spending and thus every year we are more in debt. When a politician brags on “reducing the deficit” - and I’m looking at you Barack Obama - remember they’re losing ground to a tortoise and at the end of the day our federal government is more in debt. 

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